Building Pipelines of patients for Healthcare Businesses

Guarantee of quality and quantity or your money back

Trusted by small and big doctors across India


Between 3x-15x ROI despite where your Business is

The premier client acquisition systems across all industries are designed to at least generate between 3x - 15x ROI despite of your industry or geography. We rely on big data analysis to create accurate judgments of the ROI.

101% Exclusive No major contracts

Our services are completely exclusive to a specific client we sign up from a specific market. We never resell, share leads. You can pause, resume or terminate contract whenever you want to.

Guarantee of quality and quantity

We keep our process completely transparent while aiming at quality and consistency. Unlike other marketing agencies, the leads we generate are large in quantity and top-notch in quality.

Shortest sales cycle Fastest conversion

Leads that convert faster than referrals and buy withing the shortest sales cycle possible. You will not be paying least opportunity cost.

Small monthly fee, No referral cuts

For any small and medium-sized Hospital ROI is the most important thing, We charge a small monthly fee, rather than hefty referral fees to increase your ROI.

Meet the Founders

Founded by Arjit Srivastava and Priyam Chhaparia, who spent their last 4 years figuring out how to utilize the best "Marketing" & "Sales" strategies to grow the Healthcare Businesses.

Arjit Srivastava

Priyam Chhaparia

Our IG feed

Frequently asked questions

Can I set my monthly budget or pause my campaigns?

Yes! Our goal is to give you complete control of your account. We allow you to set a monthly budget notification and give you the ability to pause your campaigns if you get too busy or need a break.

How much does your appointment generation service cost?

The cost depends upon the industry, locations and business type. Usually the higher the cost of work that you provide, the higher cost will be.

Do you promise a certain amount of leads per month?

Yes we do guarantee certain number of leads or appointments depending on your market, ideal prospect type and volume of business you are looking for. Please schedule a Demo with our business consultant to know more.

How do patients/customers find me through your service?

We generate leads from various ad platforms such as Facebook, Google, YouTube, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. Our job is to be in places where your most ideal clients are looking for your services.

Our Clients Say it the best

"Maalibu is one of the best marketing companies to work with in India. If you are looking to scale up your business or to start up something new then Maalibu is one of the best options"

-Dr. Chirag Bhandari

Maalibu is known for quality

Easy to use

Maalibu is a true internet marketing and lead generation venture. We've worked together, and its results speak for themselves. It's ROl is incredible, and it delivers quickly.

- Dr. Ankesh Sahetya

Amazed by great results!

Maalibu's impact on our online marketing has been phenomenal. Their strategies have consistently produced outstanding results in a short period. Our ROI has soared, and the increase in leads and customer engagement has been remarkable. Maalibu is a game-changer in the world of internet marketing and lead generation

- Dr. Chirag Bhandari

Got a business goal in mind?

Let us superpower your client acquisition.

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